欢迎来到 NYCL(纽约社区联盟)!NYCL旨在为缺乏资源的华语民众提供蓬勃发展的平台。通过免费的青少年教育课程, 以及免费的成年人公共知识、职业讲座,NYCL志在用公益行动来为几代人塑造未来。
Welcome to NYCL (New York Community League), where we aim to create a platform for the underrepresented Chinese communities in Staten Island to not only survive, but also thrive! Through free educational programs for children, and free public education and career workshops for adults, NYCL is committed to shape a better future for the generations.
为史岛区(Staten Island),NYCL还每月更新原创《史岛百科全书》系列博客,欢迎史岛居民和有兴趣探索史岛的朋友品读。
NYCL is run by a group of volunteers and offers many free classes and events every month. We value and appreciate all your financial, physical or spiritual support. Please contact us for volunteer opportunities. Click here to donate by credit card or here to donate via Paypal Giving Fund (which avoids credit card fee if you have Paypal, even when you pay with a credit card). NYCL is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit and donations made to NYCL are tax-deductible.
纽约社区联盟由一群义工所运营,所有活动均为免费。我们对所有支持我们的人,都衷心献上感谢,不论从物质、身体还是精神上。如有兴趣加入我们的义工团队,请以电邮、Facebook或微信的途径联络我们。请点击这里直接以信用卡捐款或点击这里进入Paypal Giving Fund慈善捐款页(如果您有Paypal,建议使用后者,因为后者可以避免信用卡手续费,即便您使用信用卡作为付款方式),纽约社区联盟是国税局认证的501(c)(3)非营利机构,所捐款项可以用作抵税。
Alternatively, if you do not have extra money to donate, you can still have large corporations to donate to us. As a nonprofit charity, NYCL is registered on Goodshop and Amazon Smile. These cooproations will donate a small percentage or a fixed amount of your regular spending to NYCL.
或者,如果您没有多余的金钱来支援我们的公益事项,您依然可以让大企业来给我们捐款,而且不会让您花费额外的一分钱。作为一个公益慈善组织,纽约社区联盟在Goodshop和Amazon Smile (“亚马逊微笑”)都注册在列。
On Goodshop, you can shop at your favorite online stores (with 7000 participating merchants including Costco, Walmart, official websites for all kinds of skincare and healthcare products, all kinds of apparel and accessories, and even travel booking sites). Simply sign up for an account here, and add "New York Community League" as "My Cause". Then find your favorite store and shop your regular way, with coupon codes available! For Amazon Smile, just click into our link and continue your normal Amazon shopping!
点击这里注册Goodshop,您可以从这个网站进入您平日最喜爱的网店(合作商家有7000多家,包括Costco、沃尔玛等超市官方网店,各类护肤品保健品官方网站、各类衣装饰品,甚至旅行订票网站)。只需在Goodshop上把New York Community League添加为“My Cause”,您通过Goodshop链接进入各商家官网购买的产品,就会为纽约社区联盟捐赠一点钱,而您自己不仅不会多花一分钱,而且还可以使用Goodshop的独家打折券。Amazon Smile同理,但是操作更简单:只要点击我们的链接,像日常一样购买商品,您就可以让亚马逊给我们捐款每单的0.5%啦。